What Is Leverage Cap MAX's TITANIUM Mastermind?

...For The Difference Makers...

A Place Where Entrepreneurs Gain Time & Lifestyle Freedom By Leveraging The Online Marketplace Using Our S.O.S. System Without Building Massive Expensive Payrolls

In Order To Lead Your Business To The Next Level, You Need To LEVERAGE The Dormant Capital Within You To Become Someone You Have Never Been... to the MAX = LevCapMAX.

How Does Leverage Cap MAX Work...

Is it ok if we cut the membership sites, the unnecessary screen time & just get you to results FAST?

Phase 1: DECISION Differently & move as fast or slow as you will


Pillar 1 of Leverage Cap MAX is designed to get you out of your own head & back into powerful decision making mode creating SAFETY for you and yours.

Goal: Stop doing what you are not supposed to be doing, find your "true north" for you and your family business goals. Frame what you SHOULD be doing.

This is the first "S" in our System: Safety - let's make sure the breakage stops & get everyone back on course.

Phase 2: SIMPLIFY Everything & move as fast or slow as your decisions


Pillar 2 of Leverage Cap MAX is designed to simplify, clarify and create ORDER so your LIFESTYLE BUSINESS can prosper without your 24/7 touch, so you can go work out!

Goal: IMAGE your Lifestyle Business stem to stern, put systems in place so teams know what to do & CLIENTS know what to buy.

This is the "O" in our System: Order - let's make sure everyone's message & story is on point & move forward.

Phase 3: REDUCE TRANSACTIONAL FRICTION & move as fast or slow as your decisions


Pillar 3 of Leverage Cap MAX is designed to pratically leverage your assets for viable subscription scaling. This is where we model how to create online signature lead generation products, sales funnels & more. 

Goal: Develop an easily searchable findable online presence leveraging Google and Oxford University's Research for the 7-11-4 Model with scalable SALES.  **We take data seriously. This market is predicted to hit 900 bn by 2026. We believe that is worth focus.  

This is the second "S" in our System: Scale - nothing happens until there is a sale that will SCALE. Let's reduce friction & make it easy for people to find you, buy from you & stay with you.

Don't Take It From Us... Our MASTERMIND MEMBERS Know About DATA & RESEARCH

This model is projected to hit 900 Billion By 2026... You Listening Yet?
This isn't your aunt's quilting group... except it might be!...

Article From Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley on the 900 Billion Industry. For Context, The NFL generated 11.9 billion in national equity shared revenue during 2022, as of this writing. 

Again, you listening yet?

Results - Where Will You Be In 90 Days... in One Year? ...

Dear Future Builder and Owner Of A Family Lifestyle Business That Outlasts The Generations, 

What if you could have lifestyle freedom day to day? What if it IS actually all possible?

What if you could start with a small seed of a simple idea for a Signature Course and leverage that into an actual business... that then becomes a lifestyle business your family would actually be proud to associate, work in and on with you?

Are you willing to commit time and resource to this possibility?

Hi, my name is Ann McDonald. My business partner, husband and wired distinctly differently than I am, Patrick McDonald and I, are the founders of VECTORWORKS MEDIA, INC. which is the parent company to our Mentoring & Mastermind Family of Brands: CAVU Max Potential & Leverage Cap MAX.

This Family of MAX Potential Brands is designed to give you a real shot at accessing your dreams.

Leverage Cap MAX is designed to give you a real shot - a leveraged opportunity to become the person you need to be to lead your business into the next season of true lifestyle prosperity and impact and influence.

Let me ask you a serious question...

Have you ever dreaded waking up because of what your day was going to entail? I have. 

I had it all on paper: my life, my work - prestige, income, press...all of it - and yet, every morning when I walked out of my front door just off Central Park West on West 67th in New York City to go to my dream job, I would mutter under my breath...things I won't repeat for the sake of all that is holy.

I was miserable. No one knew. I was making money, and yet...my life was not my own...my time was not my own...

There HAD to be a better way. Was this the best there was?

Fast forward...over a decade... now I had my own business & was my own boss. Surely, this was it. Nirvana? Hardly. 

Same story only this time the money wasn't great. The teams were cumbersome, the projects less and less profitable. My industry was changing - had changed...and I was left behind wondering, what is the way forward? Is this model dead forever? Surely not...and yet...

Have you ever looked up and thought, what happened to my industry? What happened to me? When did my life become about paperwork, emails, phone calls that don't close loops and endless to do lists without deals closed and markets made?

I was still looking good in the press, with high value clients. Friends were admiring - how cool they'd say - you're connected, wired in...

... and yet, every day it felt like overwhelm was growing, there was more work = less return.

Things got missed. Deadlines passed. Calls forgotten. A savvy client introduced me to the term disintermediation. Had to look it up...boom...there was no way out except forward...& there was going to be a solution come hell or high water...

I was either going to settle into misery and quit with a litany of logical experiential reasons...

...or...I was going to find someone who could push me out of my own pit...even if it cost me the farm so to speak...

I checked my business credit card limit & we were off to the races. 

I did not have the cash or the capacity, but I did, thank God have the credit, at that moment to make the decision I would make. 

If I hadn't I would have borrowed or sold something to get in the room...because I had to know... what the #%% was wrong with me?!

Ever been at that point? ...

I made a decision. Hired a mentor. Paid her $15,000. Joined a Mastermind. Paid another $15,000. Now...here I am 30K in & what do I get? 

Jenky Teleseminar style phone calls ... & three 2 day meetings, which ...

... changed my life ...

I did have a moment thinking 'what-the-faith' did I just do? What do I get for all this money? ... isn't there a syllabus or something? A checklist? 

Nada, nothing... EXCEPT - those jenky teleseminar phone calls - they called me out - thank God Zoom wasn't around - I started to learn about becoming who I needed to be, to lead the kind of business I wanted to lead ...

That is when I discovered (the hard way) my way forward (& created) S.O.S. (the easy way).

What is S.O.S.? It's a proprietary framework designed to get us out of the pit and into the palace...

It LEVERAGES tools to scale simply.

Get Safety, Create Order & flippin' SCALE. S.O.S.

Simple scales, complicated fails. That was my new mantra.

It buys back time. The only asset class that really matters.

As I said earlier, Leverage Cap MAX is designed to give you a real shot - a leveraged opportunity to become the person you need to be to lead your family business into the next season of true lifestyle prosperity and influence.

We use two primary tools to achieve this: Masterminds (1 per quarter) & Information Products for the online marketplace.

Levergaing the TOOL of online info products literally > changed > my > life >>>

Patrick and I have found leveraging the online space to be the fastest easiest way to back out of daily toil & 24/7 pressure so you and I can focus attention where the LEVERAGE makes the biggest difference. 

Ok, so now we know these are simply powerful tools...what are they?

What are Masterminds

Masterminds are: gathering places where we "sit at the proverbial dinner table" & discuss and share everything we used to learn at the feet of our elders to leverage generational wealth and impact. Everyone brings a piece. Everyone brings peace. We gather once a quarter to discuss what is working, what is not working, what to do next.

Did you know about the Haas School of Business Article about this industry? Neither did our Masternind members until we brought it to the table for them. 900 Billion makes even the hardest of ears perk up...

Masterminds are NOT coaching programs. Masterminds are NOT training programs. Do we answer questions? Yes. Do we point you in the direction of our preferred vendors for all the daily work? YES. Do we do the work for you? NO. Do we give you access to coaching and training? YES, via our Platinum Finisher Kit Coaching & Training Program - which, should you say yes to Titanium, you will have VIP access to.

I make this distinction - which you will understand in a minute... keep reading friend...

What Are Online Information Products? 

Online Information Products are: scalable 1 to many, story based products, that are transacted in the online space using sales funnels, with zero to high touch from you - whichever you decide is what you want, as the owner/founder of your business. 

They are a tool to leverage the emerging market of subscription and online services.

>>> What I am about to share is important. The businesses you build exist to SERVE your core Lifestyle Goals. You set those goals, not us.  <<< Some of our Mastermind members have loved the high touch models, others are in it for scale and simplicity. Different goals, different decisions. All work, no judgement.

We use Online Information Products for these primary reasons:

1) To "gate" (screen) potential more high-value clients, generating leads

2) Establish micro-niche authority in any given industry or niche / micro-niche

3) Generate revenue 

Masterminds and Online Information Products are designed to help you become the CEO, CFO, CMO, COO you and yours are designed to be.

If you want a straight up information product business and are brand new to the entrepreneurial life online, we strongly suggest you enroll in our PLATINUM Coaching Program which helps Service Based Entrepreneurs scale to their first 5 & 6 Figures by creating a Signature Course.

All TITANIUM MEMBERS have access to the entire suite of Platinum Coaching Materials. Platinum is more tactical, how to and is a coaching program with weekly group calls.

AT TITANIUM WE LEVERAGE as owners, founders, builders, idea people, communicators - the tools the online marketplace offers us to create generational family impact. Information products and subscription models are projected to hit 900 billion in LESS than the next 5 years...

... we think that is a good place to focus...

These tools, literally help you become the leader and impact maker you need to be, IN ORDER TO scale without thousands of employees executing complicated lead generation techniques, and 80 hour weeks.

These two things changed my business and, my life: Masterminds & Online Info Products.

So much so, I literally created a model and trademarked Signature Course (TM).

These two things in symbiosis, bought me back my time. They were ABLE TO BE birthed out of my decision to resource $30K to hire a mentor in 2012 and go all in on a Mastermind so I could get out of my own head.

This is why we created Leverage Cap MAX, to provide that same leverage, for you. To get out of your own current head space, step back, leverage & scale ... simply. To get your life and calling back.

Everything in life and business comes down to decisions.

Patrick and I were able to, as the world says, 'retire', in our mid 50's because of decisions (sometimes hard ones, including selling assets to risk for the bigger levels) using leveraged assets.

What is that saying? A bird in the hand?... thing is, sometimes the bird in the hand needs to be let go so you can level up to the two...

Another lesson I learned along the way...each new level demands of us a new version of us...

Patrick and I dreamed early of our life together - we imagined a house in Egypt...a life of adventure ... we had never wanted to work for work sake.

We wanted to work for life's sake... 

And in 2008, I (we) began to learn how to leverage these two asset classes: masterminds & the online space so we could GROW exponentionaly.

These decisions were not easy at the time and were birthed out of my pain.

Prior to that we did it all 'the old fashioned way' which is well and good. Yes, the old fashioned way of working and saving and leveraging the 'normal' way through investments does work, however leverage at scale without compromising your lifestyle is what moves the needle in big ways. It's the builders' force multiplier. It's the Family Business that outlasts the generations. It's being willing to shed the old to leverage the new.

THIS is what buys back time, creates level up people who lead level up families and level up businesses.

Leverage. It moves the heavy easily.

That is what we consult on in Leverage Cap MAX. Moving you into a space where you are fully you and leveraged to multiply so you get your life back. 

Can you imagine waking up and not dreading the day?

Can you imagine having someone way more capable than you, handling your email inbox? Your client acquisition call calendar? Vetting your potential high value clients AND stewarding your online public business presence?

You could actually be on the course or the boat or working out...or with friends...or family, making memories and building a legacy.

Imagine. It is possible.

Isn't it time you moved the needle and got your life back?

We made decisions. Some good, some bad, but all made...without delay.

Napoleon Hill put it this way:  

“Successful people make decisions quickly (as soon as all the facts are available) and firmly. Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly, and they change them often.”

― Napoleon Hill, Napoleon Hill's Keys to Success: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement

What will you decide?

The truth is, there is no way based on how Patrick and I are wired, that would enable us long term to choose retirement as a lifestyle ... ...there is no tap out option in the arenas we live in...

...traveling the world, playing golf and tasting wine 24/7 isn't really impactful...or meaningful when it is all said and done...

Patrick put it this way in our joint book: Live In Momentum Journal... that was written shortly after our early retirement:  

..." It is great to be able to take breaks and coast a bit. Everybody needs these times. For some, however, they are years long. 

The problem is, we aren’t designed to break and coast and then ‘wake up’ 20 years down the road with the sickening realization that we wasted all that time on golf, country clubs, travel, wine, dinners and general self indulgence.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of all of those things and enjoy them, however I know for myself that I can only enjoy them as part of my life, not the purpose of my life..."

You Are Officially Invited To Join A Select Group of Clients In The TITANIUM Mastermind Program

With all this said, we are here to invite you into the Leverage Cap MAX TITANIUM Mastermind.

For a list of features, please see the bottom of this page.

If you have more questions, we are here to answer them, however remember the famous question from Napoleon Dynamite?

“What are you going to do today, Napoleon?”- Kid on bus asks...

What will you do today Entrepreneur? 

And how will what you decide today, impact where you are 90 days from today...and 20 years down the road...?

Everything in life and business comes down to decisions.

You are invited and the decision is yours.

Ann (& Patrick) McDonald
Founders, Leverage Cap MAX (& a bunch of other things)...

Some context for who we are & where we have come from...

35 years married, college sweethearts, 2 sons, 2dogs, NYC twice, Beverly Hills, Orinda (SF Bay Area), Lake Tahoe & Redding, California. The Corporate Guy & The "Queen of Lifestyle Business" Entrepreneur. Several businesses in several industries, both of us Kansas born, deeply value building legacy through generational wealth creation and encouraging others to do the same. 

It's your turn to LIVE ALIVE doing what God designed you to do >> ...prosperingly...

Patrick McDonald

Wall Street 30+ year veteran, Patrick has transacted multiple hundreds of billions of dollars. He brings deep expertise in interest rate and currency swaps, and securitized products.   

His uncanny ability to edify processes and vision out simple scalable solutions for a wide spectrum of sophistication levels, especially in the financial markets, makes him a highly sought out consultant and business builder. 

Patrick also has a keen eye to spot and eradicate fluff that no client (or business owner) wants to waste time on. 

Patrick met his wife Ann at UC Berkeley where he played Division 1 Football on scholarship. He also has an MBA from The Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA in addition to his degree from the Haas School of Business from UC Berkeley.

Ann McDonald

Idea implementing "Secret Weapon", Ann created her first online only design consultancy when profit margins drastically diminished the face to face model, due to changing industry standards in 2008. (see her training in the early days)

As she navigated the disintermediation process (a term she had to look up when a client mentioned it), Ann began to create online content to sell and scale. Her discovery led to new models of consulting for multiple industries, including business, coaching, vocational ministry & trades. (training from Lance Wallnau's stage several years ago)

With a successful 30+ year run as a luxury interior designer, Ann's ability to create blueprints & communicate clearly through the finish line has made her the go to behind the scenes weapon in the online consultancy and content creation space since 2013.

She was graduated from UC Berkeley.

What's Next?

The next step is to make your decision, in or out, yes or no.

Make your non-refundable deposit and enjoy an ENTIRE MONTH of the program for less than you'd pay to spend the day with us at our Luxury Business Advance, where we work with established Family Businesses to chart their course for the next year. ** The LBA is $35,000 per day, btw.

 Here's my final thought this evening as I write this...

Patrick and I have been at this a long time. 

We have lived, worked and navigated some of the roughest seas: NYC & Beverly Hills in Wall Street & Luxury Interior Design Careers is not for the faint of heart. 

Learn from our battle scars and victories. We work with and serve alongside those who want to be the best. 

We are not in this to be mediocre. Or waste time "processing". We make decisions and GO.

We would be honored to Mastermind with you to bring you into your next season of prospering and scaling your impact and influence for your God ordained calling.

There will always be a reason to say no. The timing, the money, the relationships...the health...however...

...the only decisions that really matter are the ones we say YES to...

Those are the ones that determine our future.

Here is to your YES. It is your time.

For The DIFFERENCE MAKERS... who are ready to Level Up

TITANIUM Mastermind, 2023 Photo Below

Family Lifestyle Businesses Represented: 

Media & Game Design, Interior & Holiday Design, 1031 Investor Air BnB Design, Iron Mans, Football, Family Offices, Sandwich Generation Moms, Real Estate, International Business & Ministry, Kingdom Lifestyle & Vision Casting... 

Program Members not in picture: Hockey, Corporate Consulting, Financial Consulting, Education Consulting, Emotional Wholeness, Life Coaching, Real Estate and more.

We are NOT your gurus... 

Let me say that again, we are NOT your gurus

We ARE your neighbors building Family Lifestyle Businesses ... 

We WILL have fun & high kick if necessary ... 


** The TITANIUM Mastermind Has Rolling Admission. Your Membership Begins The Date Your Deposit Is Received **

YEARLY - 12 Month VIP ALL ACCESS Membership

 As a VIP You Have All Access To All LevCap MAX Materials & Programs during your Membership including the App!

  • Quarterly: 3 Day Masterminds. 3 On-Site at Montreux Country Club; January Q1 Virtual Streamed
  • ​Quarterly: Spouse and/or Business Partner may attend Masterminds On-Site ** Food & Beverage Fees do apply
  • ​Quarterly: Family Business Style Board Meetings To Set Quarterly Goals
  • ​Monthly: Titanium Only Q & A
  • ​Monthly: 1:1 20 minute non-recorded telephone call to assess progress
  • ​Weekly: Titanium Only Family Business Podcast with Patrick & Ann McDonald
  • ​Weekly: Every Tuesday Client Success Emails From Patrick & Brett Checking Your Progress. Replies From You Expected So We Can Prepare To Help You During Wednesday Q & A.
  • ​All Access: We have our own App in BETA. You get all access to that.
  • ​All Access: Discounted vetted access to preferred vendors for Click Funnels, Websites and Branding Work
  • ​All Access: All levels of training from programs in the LevCapMAX Family of Brands including Platinum Coaching Program, Live Virtual Events, Challenges, Masterclasses & Implementation Days including all recorded materials on the www.levcapmax.com website.
  • ​All Access: Titanium Private Facebook Group *** Note, not all members use this - it is mostly for duplicated communication.
  • ​All Access: Platinum Coaching Facebook Group
  • ​All Access: Week 1 Every Month - Masterclass
  • All Access: Week 2 Every Month - Back Stage Pass
  • ​​All Access: Week 3 Every Month - Member Makeover
  • ​All Access: Weekly Live Q & A Weeks 1, 2 & 3 of every month
  • *** 4th Week Of Every Month: No Training or Q & A of any kind as this week is set aside for your work and progression without any new skill or material being introduced ***

$ 35,000 / Year Per Person USD

Monthly - Cancel Anytime. 

 VIP All Access UPGRADE Available Days 1 thru 30 Of Your Membership

  • Quarterly: 3 Day Masterminds. 3 On-Site at Montreux Country Club; January Q1 Virtual Streamed ** For Paid In Full Yearly Members Only
  • ​​Quarterly: Spouse and/or Business Partner may attend Masterminds On-Site ** Food & Beverage Fees do apply ** For Paid In Full Yearly Members Only
  • Quarterly: Family Business Style Board Meetings To Set Quarterly Goals ** For Paid In Full Yearly Members Only
  • ​Monthly: Titanium Only Q & A
  • Monthly: 1:1 20 minute non-recorded telephone call to assess progress ** For Paid In Full Yearly Members Only
  • ​Weekly: Titanium Only Family Business Podcast with Patrick & Ann McDonald
  • ​​Weekly: Every Tuesday Client Success Emails From Patrick & Brett Checking Your Progress. Replies From You Expected So We Can Prepare To Help You During Wednesday Q & A.
  • All Access: We have our own App in BETA. You get all access to that. ** For Paid In Full Yearly Members Only
  • All Access: Discounted vetted access to preferred vendors for Click Funnels and Branding Work ** For Paid In Full Yearly Members Only
  • ​All Access: All levels of training from programs in the LevCapMAX Family of Brands including Platinum Coaching Program, Live Virtual Events, Challenges, Masterclasses & Implementation Days including all recorded materials on the www.levcapmax.com website.
  • ​All Access: Titanium Private Facebook Group *** Note, not all members use this - it is mostly for duplicated communication.
  • ​All Access: Platinum Coaching Facebook Group
  • All Access: Week 1 Every Month - Masterclass
  • ​All Access: Week 2 Every Month - Back Stage Pass
  • ​All Access: Week 3 Every Month - Member Makeover
  • All Access: Weekly Live Q & A Weeks 1, 2 & 3 of every month
  • *** 4th Week Of Every Month: No Training or Q & A of any kind as this week is set aside for your work and progression without any new skill or material being introduced ***

$3,500 / Month Per Person USD

If you are interested in other programs to "taste and see" please see links on Ann McDonald's Professional Social Media Facebook Page, linked here.  That URL is https://www.facebook.com/annmcdonaldofficial.

You may also join our email list here: https://annmcdonaldofficial.com/freetraining

Attention: Please Read Carefully!

*Earnings and income representations made by Leverage Cap MAX ™ a Division of VECTORWORKS MEDIA, INC.™ are aspirational statements only of your potential results and potential earnings. These results are not typical and results will vary. People that don't work hard and give up easily, get ZERO results. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results.

(c) 2023 - VECTORWORKS MEDIA, INC. - All Rights Reserved - vectorworksmedia@gmail.com
Not associated with Facebook or FACEBOOK, INC.
Not associated with Meta or META, INC.
P.O. Box 158, Carnelian Bay, CA 96140